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Adding an item to more than one category

Stephen Taylor

New Member
Hi I had a search through the forums first before posting this to see if someone else has already asked about this. I was unable to find anything.

I wanted to know if there is a way to add an item to more than just one category. For example movies that come under both action and comedy or if you sold a product that is on windows and also Mac for example.

I wanted to know if there is a way to add an item to more than just one category.
No. Showcase uses a complex heavy Permissions/Options based Category system which in turn makes it impossible for a One (Item) to Many (Category) type relationship.

Systems that allow One to Many relationships use Category systems that each Category is basically just a PLACE HOLDER (The categories are not permissions based and they all have the same exact functionality).

For example movies that come under both action and comedy or if you sold a product that is on windows and also Mac for example.
Probably best to either use Tags or Prefixes (or even custom fields) for doing this.
I tried doing this but you can only add one prefix as well. The tags would be a good way of doing this but it takes you to a page that shows 0 tags even though I have added them to the item. The custom fields would not be the best approach for this as I want people to be able to select the item from the main showcase menu in a filter / category style but it appears in more than one.
The tags would be a good way of doing this but it takes you to a page that shows 0 tags even though I have added them to the item.
Sorry, that is a minor bug with Items that are created Moderated (the tags are in a moderated state as well). The bug is when approving the item, the tags state isn't being updated. That has been fixed in the upcoming release.

The custom fields would not be the best approach for this as I want people to be able to select the item from the main showcase menu in a filter / category style but it appears in more than one.
Filtering by Custom Fields (similar to sites like Best Buy, Amazon etc) is something that is being looked into, however, it probably won't be implemented in XF 1.x version of showcase.