What do you think is the best way of executing a YouTube Video Embed or Soundcloud Playlist Embed field?
The Showcase I am building and forum community around it has a heavy emphasis on music and their related music videos. What do you think is the best way of doing this kind of media embed field without resorting to a full rich-text field?
I would like to be as user friendly as possible so the more idiot proof the better. I know what possibly way is to ask for the Video ID and parse the HTML embed manually, but asking people for the Video ID is a bit complicated.
Is there a way to use ask for a Single-Line Textbox, verify its a URL, then try to parse it through the default [Media = YouTube] handling?
The Showcase I am building and forum community around it has a heavy emphasis on music and their related music videos. What do you think is the best way of doing this kind of media embed field without resorting to a full rich-text field?
I would like to be as user friendly as possible so the more idiot proof the better. I know what possibly way is to ask for the Video ID and parse the HTML embed manually, but asking people for the Video ID is a bit complicated.
Is there a way to use ask for a Single-Line Textbox, verify its a URL, then try to parse it through the default [Media = YouTube] handling?