The ability to group fields together and mark said group as repeatable.
An example might be my Showcase of music albums. Within the item "Album" I could have a group called "Tracks" that would contain Track Title, Track Artist & Track Duration information fields.
Some "Albums" would have few tracks, some would have many, would be cool if users could add additional "Tracks" to their Showcase item as necessary.
Right now I am getting by with a Rich Text field but have run into issues of many users not using uniform formatting (even with a manual of style sticky) and an inability to style said track listings as I would like.
An example might be my Showcase of music albums. Within the item "Album" I could have a group called "Tracks" that would contain Track Title, Track Artist & Track Duration information fields.
Some "Albums" would have few tracks, some would have many, would be cool if users could add additional "Tracks" to their Showcase item as necessary.
Right now I am getting by with a Rich Text field but have run into issues of many users not using uniform formatting (even with a manual of style sticky) and an inability to style said track listings as I would like.