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Not Planned [XF1] Let item creators manage comments on their item

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mathis Neumann
  • Start date Start date

Mathis Neumann

Hey there,
some users asked me if it would be possible that they could delete comments on their own items. I think thats a great idea, so that users could really manage almost everything about their own item.
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Not really a fan of this. Im a firm believer that this is a moderator functionality. I'll open it up to see what others think and then make a decision.
Not really a fan of this. Im a firm believer that this is a moderator functionality. I'll open it up to see what others think and then make a decision.
This ^

So if someone doesn't like what someone says about their Showcase Item, they can just remove it. Depending on the usage of Showcase, that could lead to a false positive impression.