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I would like to make it easy to see if a business is open or not. Because its one of the main reasons for users to go to a business listing. The Business hours block is awesome and already very useful. Having an OPEN NOW banner/text would make it even more useful. We had this in RMS1:

Quite cool.
If the item has business hours set then we can know if the business is currently open or closed. Having that would be great. It would also be useful to display if its opening soon or closing soon.
It would be really nice if we could display an 'OPEN NOW' banner if the item is currently open. And similarly:
'OPENING SOON' if the business opens within 30 minutes.
'OPEN NOW' if the business is currently open.
'CLOSING SOON' if the business closes within 30 minutes.
'CLOSED NOW (opens at 10:00)' if the business is currently closed.
This would be nice to display on item tile on category and on item view below item title and in or near the sidebar block for business hours.

Quite cool.

If the item has business hours set then we can know if the business is currently open or closed. Having that would be great. It would also be useful to display if its opening soon or closing soon.
It would be really nice if we could display an 'OPEN NOW' banner if the item is currently open. And similarly:
'OPENING SOON' if the business opens within 30 minutes.
'OPEN NOW' if the business is currently open.
'CLOSING SOON' if the business closes within 30 minutes.
'CLOSED NOW (opens at 10:00)' if the business is currently closed.
This would be nice to display on item tile on category and on item view below item title and in or near the sidebar block for business hours.