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Not Planned [XF1] Auto hide item in special Date


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium

We are going to create some categories, in which users can showcase their services.
But they are paid categories. So users who want to showcase they will pay us first (payment process is in another system. Nothing related to showcase add-on) then we will add permission to their user account to be able to create an item in that category.
Until here everything is possible with showcase, but, we want to set a date for his/her item, so in that date, the item become hidden (moderated. Not deleted). This date need to be able to choose manually for each item (using a date picker).
(For example:if user pay $100 we will set it to be auto hidden after 1 month, if pay $200 we will set it to be hidden after 2 month. and ...)

If its possible now, appreciated if you help me learn how to do it.
If its not possible right now, would be appreciated if implemented.

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This is the downside of creating a universal tool-box, @Bob - there are so many possibilities opening up with Showcase.. ;)

We are trying to achieve the same and it´s really a pity, that there are no payment options available. How about implementing the use of the paid subscription model in XF for that? That way all could be handled automaticly, wouldn´t need a seperate system like Dadparvars
So users who want to showcase they will pay us first (payment process is in another system. Nothing related to showcase add-on) then we will add permission to their user account to be able to create an item in that category.
and that way could be most useful for all Showcase-owners

BTW: working on the german translation for showcase and would update those regulary.

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