I've implemented a new Widget Definition titled "Showcase: Latest updates". This will be included in the SC 3.2.16 release.
The "Showcase: Latest updates" widget definition has basically the same types of configuration settings as the Latest Reviews and Latest Comments (as shown below).
The Display type 'simple' is designed for the XF SideNav and XF SideBar locations (or other "narrow views").
The Display type 'Full - List view' is designed for larger spaces that are capable of displaying content in its "Full view" state (as shown below).

The "Showcase: Latest updates" widget definition has basically the same types of configuration settings as the Latest Reviews and Latest Comments (as shown below).

The Display type 'simple' is designed for the XF SideNav and XF SideBar locations (or other "narrow views").

The Display type 'Full - List view' is designed for larger spaces that are capable of displaying content in its "Full view" state (as shown below).
