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Fixed Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined (legacy AMS BBcode)


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Are there any errors being throw?
When creating a item i got this issue in the browser console..

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-21 um 17.15.43.png

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-21 um 17.15.58.png
Pretty sure that is tied to the old LEGACY Embed BBCodes for AMS Embeds, which is not longer being used, so will remove that in the next maintenance release.

Update: I've removed all of the Legacy AMS BBcode functionality as it has been replaced by the new XF Embed handler.

That should NOT prevent anything from working tho (altho, the old legacy embeds functions will no longer work).
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This also applies to IMS, Link Directory, RMS, Showcase and UBS (does not apply to CAS as CAS does not have a legacy embed BBCode). No need to report those as I am already aware and they have already been fixed ;) Thank you!