As per title, there are now 4 Alerts that are sent out to users during the settlement process of an event.
When placing a wager on an outcome, a user will receive an alert letting them know one of three results. Whether they won, whether they lost or whether the outcome resulted in a push and they got their stake back.
Note: The "you won" alert now includes informing them that their stake was also returned.

An alert is sent to the Bookie letting them know that they received x amount of stakes from x amount of losing wagers.
NOTE: This alert will only be sent out IF you have enabled the option to pay bookies the stakes from losing wagers.

When placing a wager on an outcome, a user will receive an alert letting them know one of three results. Whether they won, whether they lost or whether the outcome resulted in a push and they got their stake back.
Note: The "you won" alert now includes informing them that their stake was also returned.

An alert is sent to the Bookie letting them know that they received x amount of stakes from x amount of losing wagers.
NOTE: This alert will only be sent out IF you have enabled the option to pay bookies the stakes from losing wagers.
