As per title, Showcase has replaced the old social share sidebar block with the Responsive Social Sharing Buttons that are popular throughout the internet on various web sites.
This is a [PAID] customization that the client has generously donated back to the addon for all license holders to use. The donor wishes to remain anonymous..
There are 2 new Options located on the Item Page Tab of the Showcase Options. One option allows you to set the display location(s) and the other lets you choose which Social Share Services to display.
Location Header (stock showcase) is located as shown (below custom fields, above tags). You can edit the header template to move the block to display above the fields if you like that look better).
This screen shot shows the location "below content" (which just like the header, is directly above the Tags). As mentioned above, this block of code can be moved via a template edit if you want it in a different location.
This is a [PAID] customization that the client has generously donated back to the addon for all license holders to use. The donor wishes to remain anonymous..
There are 2 new Options located on the Item Page Tab of the Showcase Options. One option allows you to set the display location(s) and the other lets you choose which Social Share Services to display.
Location Header (stock showcase) is located as shown (below custom fields, above tags). You can edit the header template to move the block to display above the fields if you like that look better).
This screen shot shows the location "below content" (which just like the header, is directly above the Tags). As mentioned above, this block of code can be moved via a template edit if you want it in a different location.