If you don't want my help, you can always do it yourself via editing each player in the Pool.
Admin CP >> Pickem >> Pools
Click on the "Players" link for the specific Survivor Pool. This will bring up a listing of all the players that that specific Survivor Pool. You can edit EACH ONE (one by one) and reset that individual players pool data.
Example, here is a player in a Survivor Pool. You can see that there are several inputs (this being a triple elimination pool).
What you will want to do is re-set all of those to their initial settings:
Player status: Active
Strikes received: No strikes
Week strike 1 received: No strike
Week strike 2 received: No strike
Week strike 3 received: No strike
Week eliminated: Not eliminated
You'll need to do that for all the players in the Pool.
NOW... before doing this, make sure that there are not any weeks that are not going to be played... eg, if there is a WEEK for this actual week, but games in reality are not being played, you remove that week from the season before doing any of this "resetting", other wise, that week is going to be processed, whether the actual games are played or not and that is going to effect the system.
Anyway... if you have a lot of players in the pool, this process could take you awhile (which is why I volunteered my free time for a non support issue to help out a fellow sports nut). Im not a teacher and this is not something that I am going to write a guide or how-to for.
With that said, I do have plans to add a "Reset Pool" for Survivor pools. Not much good right now, but will come in handy in the future.
PS... another thing you could do would be to create a new pool and have all the members join the new pool. It would start with the current week of the season (we do this for Mid Season Pools).