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Reply count on Discussion tab


AMS Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium
Right now on the showcase items, the Discussion tab does not show the number of reply's. This leads many users into not clicking it thinking there is no reply's.

Showing the number of replys helps make people click on it what than means there more likely to join in the item discussions on the items.
Upvote 1
I'll look into it and see if there is a decent way to grab the required info without adding an additional query. Im more keen to doing it like the RM does it tho (it has a button in the sidebar). Either way, if the data is exposed, its easy to add :)
hopefully it is, because it should really help drive people to view the threads for showcase items.
hopefully it is, because it should really help drive people to view the threads for showcase items.

I costs a query, but that shouldn't be an issue since I've reduced them anyway. I might be able to sneak this into the upcoming maintenance update.
Looks real good Bob, many thanks for adding it, and the Discuss button is a real nice bonus :)
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