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Prefixs for Showcase Items

I am trying to wrap my head around the most optimal way to filter. For some things you just cant make categories or prefixes. For example: You can make categories for each car brand. That would already be a load of categories. Then maybe some prefixes for different types of articles. But how do we allow people to filter down to the exact type of car? It would be impossible to add thousands of categories. Asides from search we do have tags. So a category filter based on tags would be cool to have. Sort of a faceted search.

One thing you've complete left out is Custom Fields. Most car sites use custom fields for Makes and Models. So Category would be FORD with maybe sub Cats of Trucks, Cars, Muscle Cars etc. Prefixes could be used for things like "For Sale", but then things like Make, Model, Year, Engine, color etc are all handled via Custom Fields which are associated to a specific category.

One of the next BIG things that I am working on is filtering by Custom Fields (which will be part of the FILTER SYSTEM).
That would solve it indeed. I was thinking the same until I considered SC & AMS items about multiple topics. For example an article about 3 Ford models. For this to work we would need custom fields that can have multiple values.
Optimally such custom fields would have autocomplete and allow the user to fill in multiple values comma separated. This makes it very similar to tags in function.