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Prefix on Tile View


New Member
AMS Premium
Is it possible to show the prefix on the Cover Photo in the Tile view of the Home Page?

It is part of filters but not part of visual output.
Doing that would require customization to the tile view layout type.

The Data needed to display a prefix (using the prefix helper) is exposed, so you could customize the tile view layout to include the prefix if you want/need to.

This is the helper you need in order to have the prefix rendered. Just add it to the layout where you want it displayed
{xen:helper showcasePrefix, $item}

Something along the lines of this (UNTESTED)

Template: nflj_showcase_layout_tile_view_item

Find this (towards the end of the template):
                        <h3 class="tileText">
                            <a href="{xen:link showcase, $item}" class="">{$item.item_name}</a>

Replace with this:
                        <h3 class="tileText">
                            {xen:helper showcasePrefix, $item} <a href="{xen:link showcase, $item}" class="">{$item.item_name}</a>