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Answered Notify in "What's new"


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It's possible view the latest articles published in the "Latest posts" list on "What's new" in the forum?

No, it is NOT possible for any content type other than the content type post to be displayed in the Latest posts Widget as that widget is designed specifically to fetch posts.

If that widget was capable of fetching and displaying other content types, you could edit the widget and choose the content types that you want to fetch content from.

XenForo does NOT have a mixed content type find new system.

XenForo does NOT have any Widget Definitions that are mixed Content Type.

What you can do is create a "Latest articles" widget and display that widget on the "Whats new" page (the Whats new page is a blank page which displays any widgets that you want to display on that page).
Thank you. I figured that wasn't possible.

I will add a widget with the latest articles uploaded although inserting the latest publications in the Activities would have been very useful for a user.
although inserting the latest publications in the Activities would have been very useful for a user.
XF license holders have literally been begging XF develoepers for a MIX CONTENT Find New system for 15+ years.

XF Search - Mix content type results (since XF 1.0.0)
XF Tags - Mix content type results (since XF 2.0.0)
XF Find New - Segregated by Content Type (Silo'd content).

Just blows my mind that they SILO "New" and "Unread" content by content type instead of having default by a mixed result of ALL new/unread content (and then like search, be able to filter by content type).