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Resolved mosaic widget & empty space on smartphone

Old Nick

AMS Premium
CAS Premium
LD Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium
How to prevent on mosaic widgets empty space in landscape mode on smartphone when setting 3 articles, which seems to me to be the most used configuration, the most popular.



Thank you.
Its working exactly how it is designed to work :)

Its a flexible grid that controls the amount of blocks per row. In the first image, you are at the lowest responsive break point, which is 1 block per row. The 2nd image, you are the responsive break point that is 2 blocks per row.

Short of customization, just fetch 4 instead of 3, otherwise, maybe modify the behavior of the layout type (that is what most people do when they don't like how something looks/works). I doubt you'd have much difficulty making a few tweaks so that it behaves the way you want it to ;)
Thanks for your answer,
Short of customization, just fetch 4 instead of 3
It's worth because on desktop view this produces two rows, one full of 3 and one with just 1 tile.

maybe modify the behavior of the layout type (that is what most people do when they don't like how something looks/works). I doubt you'd have much difficulty making a few tweaks so that it behaves the way you want it to ;)
I'll try. But css flex is a nightmare for my brain !! :D
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