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Updated Misc updates


Staff member
The following fields have been removed as they are no longer necessary (Full Article/Page titles are now always being displayed in various navigational elements and blocks).
  • Blog Entry: overview_page_nav_title
  • Page: nav_title
Updated the comment_simple macro in the xa_ubs_comment_macros template to use the contentRow-snippet on the comment snippet, which adds a very small padding above and below the snippet making the widget a bit more readable.

<div class="contentRow-snippet">
    {{ smilie(snippet($comment.message, 150, {'stripBbCode': true, 'stripQuote': true})) }}

Updated the review_simple macro in the xa_ubs_review_macros template to use the contentRow-snippet on the rating stars and the review snippet, which adds a very small padding above and below the rating stars and the snippet making the widget a bit more readable.

<div class="contentRow-snippet contentRow-lesser">
    <xf:macro template="rating_macros" name="stars"
              arg-rating="{$review.rating}" />

<div class="contentRow-snippet">
    {{ snippet($review.message, 100, {'stripQuote': true}) }}
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