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Implemented Localize Article Maps if possible?


Staff member

This has been implemented in AMS 2.2.8

I've added a new Global Option to the AMS Article Page options that allows you to Enable/Disable localization of google maps in AMS.

Note: This is defaulted to ENABLED, so if you don't want localization of google maps, you'll need to disable it.


Note: Localization is something that is controlled by GOOGLE MAPS (100%). This does not mean that 100% of the map is going to be translated to another language, nor does it have ANY effect Map Marker Overlays. Its mainly for localizing the Controls that google maps adds to a layer above the map.

btw, in MOST CASES, the viewing users browser (especially Chrome) will auto detect the users localization via the device (PC, Tablet, Smartphone) and automatically localize google maps.
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