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Insert Image in to Showcase Entry?


I've uploaded some files to a showcase entry, but I can't see an easy way to insert one of the uploaded images directly into the showcase (except for manually copying/pasting the URL). Is that the only way, or am I missing a way to allow uploaded images to be inserted in to the showcase (as well as appearing in the gallery)?
The Image uploads in showcase is only for the Gallery (not to embed in the body of content like a post). There is a specific reason for this. I've already mentioned in other posts about this, that it will most likely be changing when I do the XF 2.0 re write.
Thanks, I did some searching and found your post on the subject. Co-incidentally, I'm not using any secondary tabs on this showcase, so I've made some changes to the code which seem to work as long as I've only got the one editor.

Glad to hear Showcase is going to continue to improve with XF 2.0 :). It's my favourite add-on by far.

From this:
<div class="controls">
<input type="button" value="{xen:phrase delete}" class="button smallButton AttachmentDeleter" data-href="{xen:link 'showcase/attachment/delete', $attachment}" />

to this:
<div class="controls">
<input type="button" value="{xen:phrase delete}" class="button smallButton AttachmentDeleter" data-href="{xen:link 'showcase/attachment/delete', $attachment}" />
<xen:if is="{$attachment.thumbnailUrl}">
<input type="button" name="thumb" value="{xen:phrase thumbnail}" class="button smallButton AttachmentInserter" />
<input type="button" name="image" value="{xen:phrase full_image}" class="button smallButton AttachmentInserter" />

edit: Ah, it looks like this means that any images inserted in to the article will not show in the gallery :(. Going to see if I can find a way around that.
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