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image slider on overview tab


New Member
AMS Premium
SC Premium
currently there is the ability to put an image above the content on the overview tab, which is great, but i think it would be ideal if that image could be a slider for all the images that were uploaded to that item (and i have currently set to appear in the 'gallery' in another tab). just something so users could click/flick back and forth:


so yeah, just something i think would be cool and convenient in terms of UI and whatnot :)
Upvote 1
so yeah, just something i think would be cool and convenient in terms of UI and whatnot :)
I agree with you, however, Im not sure that Core XF has the available library(s) available and I don't really want to go down the road of dealing with 3rd party JS libraries that are not supported in Core XF (for security reasons). It is something that I'd really like to do, so its on the R&D "ToDo" list.
I agree with you, however, Im not sure that Core XF has the available library(s) available and I don't really want to go down the road of dealing with 3rd party JS libraries that are not supported in Core XF (for security reasons). It is something that I'd really like to do, so its on the R&D "ToDo" list.

fair enough, i understand wanting to stick to the core as much as possible. i will pray to the XF gods that this someday becomes a reality! :)
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Is there a way to turn the cover image into a carousel/slider?

Having it change images on hover while browsing the categories and sliding around when viewing the entry.
Is there a way to turn the cover image into a carousel/slider?

Having it change images on hover while browsing the categories and sliding around when viewing the entry.
Did you ever figure this out?