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How to nicely display social media account for the Item / business?


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I see that it would be attractive for businesses to have their social media accounts (Instagram, YouTube channel, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc) displayed on the RMS item listing their business. We can add custom fields, so in essence this is possible to do. It would not look particularly good though. It would be nice to:
  • Have the icon for each social media visible. XF has FA icons. Would be nice to display the appropriate Icon before the output.
  • Show the username, but link to the profile. i.e. display:
    X @ElonMusk
    but link it to the profile on x.com
  • Only display the field output if it has content
Is this possible somehow, or would this require new functionality? i.e. a suggestion.
If it can't be handled via Rich Text Editor or Custom Item Fields, then the only other option would be custom development.

Custom FIelds are associated with a Category, not an Item Type, so custom fields apply to all items in a specific category. You'd have to do quite a bit of custom development to make custom fields for a specific item types only, which means that its probably better to pursue custom development, which would be a heck of a lot easier to extend entity to add fields vs hacking up the Custom Fields System.

I'd guess most people are using the Rich Text Editor vs Custom Fields.
We can add custom fields, so in essence this is possible to do. It would not look particularly good though. It would be nice to:
XF has FA icons. Would be nice to display the appropriate Icon before the output.
Those are Custom User Fields. You can do the same thing with Custom Item Fields. Just edit the Custom User Field to see how they are doing it and do the same for a Custom item Field.
Is this possible somehow
I do it Twitter/X in an own tab, for example ...

Brembo and click on the Twitter tab for their twitter feed embedded.

Single-Line Text Box Item Field, Displayed on own Tab, with Value Display HTML;
<a class="twitter-timeline" data-width="600" data-height="1200" data-theme="dark" href="{$value}"></a><script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

You could probably do something quite similar displaying only the Twitter/FB/Insta logo