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Answered How to make item tabs display without arrow on mobile?


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I've done this before but recently blew away some modified templates upgrading to 2.3...

I have a bunch of pages and tabs for items that get hidden by the arrow on mobile.


I used to have the tabs wrap around so you could still see them easily as my users will for sure miss it. How do I do that again? Thank you!

Also is there a way to rearrange the tabs if desired?
For both, you'd need to edit the template xa_rms_wrapper_macros template and modify the tabs Macro

Keep in mind, support does not cover customizations to templates, so I can't write up a complete how to for this.

Moving Tabs around is no different than moving blocks around. Keep in mind, this is very complex and very easy to mess up (tons of conditionals based on what type of item type content is being viewed). If you screw it up, REVERT and start over again. Do little bits at a time... eg move 1 tab, TEST (thorough test, not just one refresh on a single piece of content, all Item Types should be tested to make sure it doesn't screw any of the 7 item types up.

As for the Tabs, XF tends to use scroller tabs, so that is the standard that I use as well (as you can see below).


With that said, you can modify the macro to disable the scroller tabs simply be removing CSS Class names as shown below.


Doing that results in this...
