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How to: Make "add review" more prominent


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
Hi Bob!

I'm thinking that Showcase is going to be sufficient for our user reviews. But it would be nice to be able to take the "Rate this item" and stars out of the "Quick Stats" sidebar, and put it say, at the top of the "Reviews" tab. Or, if no reviews, at the top of the first tab?

Is there an easy way I can edit a template to include this where I want?

It needs to be fully exposed on all views (which the sidebar is) because of the Google Rich Snippet for Reviews, so it can't be hidden on the Review Tab which is its own rendered page. You also need to move everything involved with it (the Google Rich Snippet code for Reviews) which makes it a bit tricky to do with a TM. You'd be better of leaving it alone and then putting another instance (or multiples) of it somewhere else on the page(s) (similar to how the RM does it). In any case, it needs to stay OUTSIDE of the Tabs. Once I am done with this next release, I can do some custom templating for you if you'd like :)


Cool. Yeah I'm fine leaving it alone in the sidebar and adding another instance say on the tab #1 similar to RM. When you're less busy I'd welcome your help with exactly how to do this :) Looking forward to the future release!
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