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How have others set up pickem for MLB playoffs?


New Member
For that matter I have not done a league for MLB or any baseball events. Curious how I should handle wild card games, 7 game series etc...
For that matter I have not done a league for MLB or any baseball events. Curious how I should handle wild card games, 7 game series etc...
Cant you build the schedules as they are known / rather than in advance?
For that matter I have not done a league for MLB or any baseball events. Curious how I should handle wild card games, 7 game series etc...
We've always done it by SERIES, not each individual playoff game. Each "Week" would be the specific playoff round... eg wild card round, Divisional Series, League Championship Series, World Series. Then when adding games, just add one game for the series between those two teams (players will pick the winner of the series, for each series for that round). (for World Series, you can create a "week" for each game name name the week WS1, WS2, etc etc etc).
Then for each round, the POINTS for home win vs road win increase.