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Awaiting Feedback How do I disable the "author rating"?


Is there a way to disable the "author rating" when creating new items?
I have turned of all the permissions I can find about rate&review item by self, but the option still appears when creating a new item

No. I've only implemented the functionality itself, I've yet to do anything advanced like permissions or options. Open for SUGGESTIONS ;) Please note that this is not part of the USER REVIEWS/RATING system in any way. Its completely separated. The permissions "Rate/Review Item by self" is referring to the USER REVIEWS rate/review system.

At the min, probably need a permissions and per category option which would then remove the author rating from the create/edit form.
Yes a permission to allow author rating would be enough I think. If you do this global or per category is up to you, either way is fine with me.
At the min, probably need a permissions and per category option which would then remove the author rating from the create/edit form.
This would be great. I would use the category setting.