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Hide in navigation bar of a custom style


Hi bob, I managed to hide showcase in navigation bar using the code in extra.css but it's still showing in mobile view. I'm using a custom style by audentio.

How can I hide it in mobile view?
I just double checked with one of the XenForo Developers to make sure, and as I thought, that is expected Core XenForo behavior. XenForo doesn't included the nav tab class added by the navigation_tabs listener for those links like they do for the physical tab itself. Its not just Showcase, its ALL addons that add Tabs, to include XenForo Resource Manager (no 'resources' class), XenForo Media Gallery (no 'xengallery' class).

The only other option to remove a tab without programming would be to disable the navigation_tab listener for a given tab. I don't recommend doing this as there are some adverse side effects when disabling a navigation_tabs listener (one of which is effecting the breadcrumbs, which is driven by a navigation tab). Hiding a Tab via CSS doesn't effect the Breadcrumbs behavior as the tab is still there, just hidden.

Being that it causes adverse effects, I highly recommend NOT doing this, but if you MUST... generally speaking, these are the steps:
  1. Enable Debug mode in your XenForo config.php file
  2. Log in to your Admin CP
  3. Go to the Development tab
  4. Click Code Event Listeners
  5. Scroll down until you find the add-on you wish to change, e.g. Showcase **
  6. Below that the Code Event Listeners are listed. Look for navigation_tabs.
  7. Uncheck the check box floated to the right (unchecking will disable the listener).
  8. Disable Debug mode.
** You can also FILTER the Code Event Listeners list by the specific listener (navigation_tabs).
