Hi Bob,
I use Luke Foreman's Parse HTML BB Code and I made the mods per your instructions in this thread to make it work with Showcase:
It works fine except when embedding an iframe, specifically a google map. The problem only occurs when I embed it between parsehtml tags on a Showcase page. It works fine if I put the HTML into the template for one of those pages and it works great with the BB Code inside threads. But when I do it inside a Showcase Item, it zooms the map all the way out and moves to the bottom right. Really strange...
I know this isn't anything wrong with your software, and you're probably not all that stoked about helping make this work. But it's a critical part of us being able to use Showcase. Can you think of anything I can do to fix this? If I can't embed maps, I'm toast.
Here is an example of map embed code I'm using:
Or a more simple version, still references a google map but I use something called Gmap to serve up different map tiles. Either method works great between [parsehtml] tags in threads.
I use Luke Foreman's Parse HTML BB Code and I made the mods per your instructions in this thread to make it work with Showcase:
It works fine except when embedding an iframe, specifically a google map. The problem only occurs when I embed it between parsehtml tags on a Showcase page. It works fine if I put the HTML into the template for one of those pages and it works great with the BB Code inside threads. But when I do it inside a Showcase Item, it zooms the map all the way out and moves to the bottom right. Really strange...
I know this isn't anything wrong with your software, and you're probably not all that stoked about helping make this work. But it's a critical part of us being able to use Showcase. Can you think of anything I can do to fix this? If I can't embed maps, I'm toast.
Here is an example of map embed code I'm using:
<iframe width="800" height="900" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=214533597045798101523.0004c667ce21163213829&ie=UTF8&t=p&ll=40.808352,-110.745277&spn=0.233875,0.274315&z=12&output=embed"></iframe>
Or a more simple version, still references a google map but I use something called Gmap to serve up different map tiles. Either method works great between [parsehtml] tags in threads.
<iframe width="800" height="600" src="http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?q=mymap,214533597045798101523.0004aa8375b4722996a9b&z=12&t=t1"></iframe></small>