This has been implemented in AMS 2.2.24
There is a new option (limit) called "Tags". This uses the xf:tokeninputrow which allows you to add 1 or more tags to the input.
Note: The Article|Series must have all tags that are added to the input to be considered a MATCH. Eg, if you add the tags MEAT and BEEF, only Articles|Series that have BOTH of those tags applied to them will be fetched, not one or the other, but BOTH.

There is a new option (limit) called "Tags". This uses the xf:tokeninputrow which allows you to add 1 or more tags to the input.
Note: The Article|Series must have all tags that are added to the input to be considered a MATCH. Eg, if you add the tags MEAT and BEEF, only Articles|Series that have BOTH of those tags applied to them will be fetched, not one or the other, but BOTH.

