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Resolved Featured Articles Display Issue


New Member
AMS Premium
CAS Premium
In the Article list option >Featured articles limit>

If this value is greater than 1 the highlighted article goes outside the margins on the index page of my style. In the categories, however, I don't have this problem.


I also noticed that the featured articles do not appear correctly in this area. Basically everyone is shown. It would be interesting to specify one or more specific categories.
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That would be an issue with your custom style. Both AMS Index and AMS Category pages use the same MACROS to display "Featured" content, so there has to be some custom CSS in play on your AMS Index page that is causing conflicts with the Featured Carousel on AMS Index.

Anyway, contact the designer of that style. They should know what is causing it since they designed the style and can compare the behavior against an unedited Core XF Default Style (which is what all addons are designed to).

I also noticed that the featured articles do not appear correctly in this area. Basically everyone is shown. It would be interesting to specify one or more specific categories.
Index pages fetch content from ALL Viewable Categories, so...
That would be an issue with your custom style. Both AMS Index and AMS Category pages use the same MACROS to display "Featured" content, so there has to be some custom CSS in play on your AMS Index page that is causing conflicts with the Featured Carousel on AMS Index.

Anyway, contact the designer of that style. They should know what is causing it since they designed the style and can compare the behavior against an unedited Core XF Default Style (which is what all addons are designed to).

I also noticed that the featured articles do not appear correctly in this area. Basically everyone is shown. It would be interesting to specify one or more specific categories.
Index pages fetch content from ALL Viewable Categories, so featured content is also fetched from all viewable categories. This is how XenForo Resource manager does it and is also how the new Featured Content Handler in XF 2.3 works.

With that said, you can always set the Featured articles limit to 0, which disables the Featured Article Carouse or Grid Block on AMS Index and instead, create a Featured Articles Widget via the AMS: Featured articles Widget Definition, which one of the Widget Definition configuration settings is a Category Chooser, which then you can choose which categories to pull featured articles from. Then set the display position for that widget you just created to "AMS Index: Above articles", which is in the same position as the built in featured articles block displays.

Keep in mind, using the above widget method does not take any AMS Article List Options settings into play, so the option 'Exclude featured articles from articles listing on index and category pages' does not apply (it can't).