I've replaced the old depreciated "Delete Archive" functionality with a NEW Mass Delete Events function.
This new functionality is located in the Admin CP >> Applications >> Event Management >> Delete Events
This new functionality lets you choose the type of events (by Event Status) that you want to PERMANENTLY delete from the Sportsbook System. I will say again, PERMANENTLY!
Usage? Mainly for wiping Sportsbook clean (by selecting every status). You can also use it to clean up all soft deleted (formerly abandoned) events. I know a few Admins that like to reset "Stats", but not remove current open/closed/awaiting/pending/deleted events and now you can do that by simply checking only Settled.
The biggest thing to remember is that this is a PERMANENT DELETE! There is no reversing! Once you hit submit, the events are GONE!
This is what the Delete Events Overlay looks like... Notice the Red Warnings!

This new functionality is located in the Admin CP >> Applications >> Event Management >> Delete Events
This new functionality lets you choose the type of events (by Event Status) that you want to PERMANENTLY delete from the Sportsbook System. I will say again, PERMANENTLY!
Usage? Mainly for wiping Sportsbook clean (by selecting every status). You can also use it to clean up all soft deleted (formerly abandoned) events. I know a few Admins that like to reset "Stats", but not remove current open/closed/awaiting/pending/deleted events and now you can do that by simply checking only Settled.
The biggest thing to remember is that this is a PERMANENT DELETE! There is no reversing! Once you hit submit, the events are GONE!
This is what the Delete Events Overlay looks like... Notice the Red Warnings!
