Yes, sure.
The problem is this:
Add an article with a short text and one large picture. Now use it as cover.
Then you see the picture twice times. This look typical unprofessional.
Means i will never use the cover picture or i find a way to dont show the picture a second time.
If you have a long text this is maybe acceptable when the picture is insert at the end again, but with a short text not.
To solve this, you need an option
* use cover
* dont show cover pic twice
or i need an bbcode to hide just this picture in the text, but no normal user wants to go like this.
So the option "dont show twice times" is a must from my view.
Example: One picture, short text, no insert
Why i need to see the thumbnail here? It is normal behavior, i know, but it makes no sense!
Now tow pictures
None will understand why we have a picture above, one in text and then repeating the first picture as thumbnal. Still normal XF - behavior, but ugly and without sense.
Solution, but also ugly: insert the cover picture also
Why i need to see it again!
In any way this looks unprofessional. Means for me, that i dont use the cover picture at all, while i would like to use it, but not with showing thumb or insert again.