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Cover Photos Required?


Active Member
AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium
I could swear I saw a setting for this... can the admin make cover photos required upon item creation?
It is a CATEGORY option...

Category Management >> Basic Information Tab >> Allow Items to be created >> Require Item Image (If enabled, requires that at least 1 image be uploaded to the item before it can be created.)
Oh, I see... you can't require the user to include a cover photo upon item creation, the category view simply won't display items in grid view. I am using List view and I see what appear to be broken images where the cover photo would be. Trying to determine if that's something my users did wrong or if that's how it works. I have opened up my test site to some select usergroups for beta testing.
If enabled, requires that at least 1 image be uploaded to the item before it can be created.

What they do AFTER can't be stopped.. ie, they can remove all attachments if they want to.

For LIST VIEW display, it first checks to see if there is a cover image, if no cover image, it checks to see if there is a defined category image if that fails, it uses the users avatar.
                            <xen:if is="{$item.cover_image}">
                                <a class="avatar NoOverlay" href="{xen:link showcase, $item}">
                                    <img width="48" height="48" border="0" src="{$item.cover_image.thumbnailUrl}" />
                            <xen:elseif is="{$item.category_image}" />
                                <a class="avatar NoOverlay" href="{xen:link showcase, $item}">
                                    <img width="48" height="48" border="0" alt="{$item.category_name}" src="@imagePath/nflj/showcase/category_images/{$item.category_image}">
                            <xen:else />  
                                <xen:avatar user="$item" size="s" img="true" />

for GRID VIEW display, it first checks to see if there is a cover image, if no cover image, it checks to see if there is a defined category image if that fails, it uses the default no_image.png. The users avatar can't be used in Grid View.
                            <xen:if is="{$item.cover_image.thumbnailUrl}">
                                <img class="showcaseItemThumbnail" src="{$item.cover_image.thumbnailUrl}" />
                            <xen:else />
                                <img class="showcaseItemThumbnail" src="@imagePath/nflj/showcase/category_images/{xen:if '{$item.category_image}', '{$item.category_image}', 'no_image.png'}" />
Ok, then it sounds like maybe the users removed images. Still waiting to hear back from them to confirm what they did. Thanks for the clarification.
If they removed the images, then their avatar should display. Have you rebuilt showcase thumbnails? If not, you should probably run it for the first time.
It is a CATEGORY option...

Category Management >> Basic Information Tab >> Allow Items to be created >> Require Item Image (If enabled, requires that at least 1 image be uploaded to the item before it can be created.)
I'm not seeing "Require item image" anymore in the category general options... although I could be blind again.
You are not blind, I pulled that out 6 months ago in SC 2.5.3 when I removed the limitation on attachment uploading to allow FILE ATTACHMENTS to be uploaded instead of just IMAGES. I explained this several times in various threads. Its not permanently gone, its just disabled for now until a professional solution can be implemented (I refuse to HACK something in).

Sometimes in order to implement a very popular request, other low level functionality takes a hit.
No worries. I must have missed your posts about it.