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Implemented Beta Convert Thread to Classified Ad


Staff member
I've decided to take some time and implement this in CAS 2.2 vs waiting for XF 2.3 or XF 3.0.

Keep in mind, this will be considered BETA and Unsupported for at least a few maintenance releases!

Note: Beta = Not Supported, so please TEST with dummy content before attempting to use on live content!

This is a FORUM Moderator Function, which requires the FORUM Moderator permission to convert thread to classified ad. This function also requires standard CAS Create Ad permissions.


If the viewing user has the appropriate permissions to convert the thread to a classified ad, the link will be displayed in the Thread Tools More options dropdown.


As mentioned, this is a multi-step processes due to needing to choose the CAS Category in order for the controller to render the input forum with the correct inputs for that specific category (as well as things like Custom Fields, Prefixes etc).


The 2nd step in the convert process is filling out the form (all REQUIRED fields must be filled in). Unlike AMS where its just a TITLE and a MESSAGE, CAS has 100's of inputs based on different category settings and Ad Types, so its NEVER GOING TO BE A SINGLE CLICK CONVERT PROCESS.

The convert thread to classified as input form is almost identical to to the Post ad input form (it HAS to be for validation purposes).

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I upgraded to this. Changed permissions for the admin users


But I am not seeing the option for the thread


I refreshed multiple times. Am I missing something?
Thank you for the clarification.

The posts I was trying to move were in moderation and not live. Once I approved them, the options showed up fine.
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Thank you for the clarification.

The posts I was trying to move were in moderation and not live. Once I approved them, the options showed up fine.
How did the conversion process work for you? Easy to use?

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