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Implemented Beta Auto Bump Ads


Staff member
As per title, an enhancement to the existing manual bump system, that automates the bumping of an Ad, when an Ad qualifies to be bumped and Auto Bumping is Enabled for the Ad (which to enable it is a permissions based function).

This was suggested by a CAS Premium license holder @kontrabass and was graciously funded by another CAS Premium license holder @dunowat


This has been marked as [Implemented Beta]. so this feature is considered unsupported for now while we work out any kinks and make any adjustments/changes/enhancements etc.

This does NOT change manual bumping in any way shape or form. Manually bumping is the primary way of bumping an classified ad. This feature simply is a way to automate manual bumping. Nothing more, nothing less.


Right now it is super simple to configure and use (and I plan to keep it this way)... there is a new permission that allows ad owners and team members to Enable/Disable Auto Bump on a per Classified Ad basis.

Note: Staff members that have permission to Edit any Classified Ad, do not need this permission as if they can edit the ad, they can enable/disable auto bumps on any given ad.


If the viewing user (Ad Owner | Team Member | Staff) has the appropriate permissions (Edit own ad and Enable /disable auto bump on own ads) and qualifications (ad must be Visible state and the ad must be Open), they will see a link in the More options drop-down titled "Enable auto bump ad".

Note: Auto bump as is disabled by default as it is designed as an Opt in feature, not an Opt out feature.

If auto bump for the ad is disable (by default), they will see the Enable auto bump link.


If auto bump for the ad is enabled, they will see the Disable auto bump link.


How this works...

This is a CRON based feature. I've added a new Cron entry titled "CAS: Auto bump classified ads". This Cron entry is configured to run once per hour at 37 minutes past the hour. Note: Do NOT change this to run more frequently. Its designed to run once per hour maximum for a REASON.

Having ones ad auto bumped once per hour is more than enough for those with unlimited bumps.


The Cron Entry invokes a method in the Ad Repository that fetches all ads that have auto bump enabled. The function then loops through those ads and check to see if the ad qualifies to be manually bumped by the Ad Owner. If the Ad qualifies to be manually bumped by the ad owner, it will be auto bumped and logged as an auto bump. If the ad does not qualify, the ad will be skipped until the next Cron entry run (in one hour).

Example... Fred has an ad that he enabled auto bumps on. He is in a user group that allows bumps once every 24 hours. His last bump date was Monday at Noon. The next time that Fred can manually bump his ad is Tuesday at Noon. Cron runs once per hour and each time Freds ad is evaluated, it is skipped until Tuesday at Noon when it qualifies to be manually bumped, so at 12:37 on Tuesday when the Cron Entry runs, this time his ad qualifies, so his add will be auto bumped.

It is just THAT simple. The only thing that an ad owner/team member needs to do is to enable auto bumps on their ads. Staff doesn't need to do anything. There are no options to be set, only setting the permission that allows ad owners to enable auto bumps.

There are no hidden permissions, settings etc.. 99% of this feature is based on the existing manual bump functionality. which is not changing, nor is effected by this feature.

Auto Bumping is LOGGED in the new Bump Logs feature for CAS.

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