cas 2.2.35

  1. Bob

    Release Classified Ads System (CAS) 2.2.35 released

    Classified Ads System (CAS) 2.2.35 (Stable/Supported) released. Important Note: This version of Classified Ads System requires a minimum of XF 2.2.2 ! It is highly recommended to read all the implemented suggestion threads and bug fix's so that you are familiar with them prior to upgrading...
  2. Bob

    Implemented Beta Convert Thread to Classified Ad

    I've decided to take some time and implement this in CAS 2.2 vs waiting for XF 2.3 or XF 3.0. Keep in mind, this will be considered BETA and Unsupported for at least a few maintenance releases! Note: Beta = Not Supported, so please TEST with dummy content before attempting to use on live...
  3. Bob

    Updated Transactions Tab and Items Tab no longer display to Ad Owner and Staff Members when no Transactions or Items exist.

    As per title, the Transactions Tab [Transactions (0)] and Items Tab [Items (0)] no longer display to ad owner and staff when no transactions or items exist. Note: The Items Tab and Transactions Tab are only for the Ad Owner and Staff. These tabs are not viewable by members or guests.
  4. Bob

    Updated Add more Ad Details to the Latest Questions page

    I've replaced the old TEXT ONLY version "For [Ad] in Category X " with the Cover Image of the Ad, Ad title (which includes whether its read or unread) and some meta information pertaining to the Ad. Note: The OLD "text only" version is commented out in the question macro for those of you that...
  5. Bob

    Implemented Auto Feature Classified Ads Criteria: Prefixes

    This has been implemented in CAS 2.2.35 I've added a "Prefixes" criteria that allows admins to select one or more prefixes (this is multi select, just like Categories). This criteria works just like the Categories in that if you select a prefix (or multiple prefixes), only items that have any...