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Cached sidebar blocks


Staff member
Some of the sidebar blocks are now CACHED (updated once per hour). This saves several queries per page view, so on a busy site, this could save 10's of 1000's of queries per day that really are not THAT critical.

Tag Cloud. This sidebar block is now cached. However, when new tags are added, the cache is updated immediately, same when deleting tags. There is a CRON just for this block that runs once per hour. You can adjust this to update more frequently without effecting the other cached blocks.

Quick Stats. There is a CRON just for this block that runs once per hour. You can adjust this to update more frequently without effecting the other cached blocks.

Top Blocks (Top Contributors, Top User Reviewers, Top Commenters). There is a CRON just for this block that runs once per hour. You can adjust this to update more frequently without effecting the other cached blocks.

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