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Please add a blog type: Journal.
This Blog Type would allow for logging and sharing personal experiences.
UBS works quite well as a Journal, but there are some things that a Blog Type could add to enhance UBS for Journal use:
The most important thing here, is that we don't need to rename all phrases from Blog to Journal.
I would not need this blog type to have review functionality because rating someones personal experiences can be hurtful. But maybe others need it? @Jim I can just turn it off trough permissions anyway.
It would be nice if the Journal and the Entry displays the avatar clearly, as it gives a personal touch.
it would be nice (not critical) if readers can go to the next or previous Entry in the Journal.
A 'Top commenters on this Journal' sidebar block would be nice to have. (not critical) Because the same members that comment on one Entry of the Journal, are likely to comment on other Entries of the same Journal. And it has special meaning for Journal authors to have a following of members that appreciate their personal Journal Entries.
This Blog Type would allow for logging and sharing personal experiences.
UBS works quite well as a Journal, but there are some things that a Blog Type could add to enhance UBS for Journal use:
The most important thing here, is that we don't need to rename all phrases from Blog to Journal.
I would not need this blog type to have review functionality because rating someones personal experiences can be hurtful. But maybe others need it? @Jim I can just turn it off trough permissions anyway.
It would be nice if the Journal and the Entry displays the avatar clearly, as it gives a personal touch.
it would be nice (not critical) if readers can go to the next or previous Entry in the Journal.
A 'Top commenters on this Journal' sidebar block would be nice to have. (not critical) Because the same members that comment on one Entry of the Journal, are likely to comment on other Entries of the same Journal. And it has special meaning for Journal authors to have a following of members that appreciate their personal Journal Entries.
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