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Automatic/Standalone Item Image (Screenshot)


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Having an automatic screenshot for Link Directory would streamline adding new sites.

I would suggest an admin option to turn on/off screenshots as the main Item image. If it's on, use something like PHP shot-scraper (which people may need to add to their PHP instance) or cURL to grab the screenshot of the site submitted. The screenshot would be used as the main image and any attachments thereafter would be 1, 2, 3, 4... and displayed on Item View.

There would also need to be an Item moderation option (owner or other user groups) to Update Screenshot if the website changes.

At any time, if it's enabled, the screenshot could also be swapped out with an attachment instead.

I'd be unsure how Update Screenshot would be tackled if an attachment is later used in its place. But, I'm sure there's a way to separate the two.
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