A much needed update to the Bookie View Page aka "Events you added" or "Events by [user]".
As you can see, the "Bookies" page now has a filter bar with filters. You can now filter the bookie event list by Status, Prefix and term as well as various sort orders.

Here I am filtering the list by the term Raiders, which will fetch any event that has the term Raiders in the Title, Description or Event Details.

Here you can see the results list based on the filter Events that mention "Raiders".

This shows you that you can set more than one filter. In this case, we filtered the list by the term 'Raiders' and Status 'Open'.

As you can see, the "Bookies" page now has a filter bar with filters. You can now filter the bookie event list by Status, Prefix and term as well as various sort orders.

Here I am filtering the list by the term Raiders, which will fetch any event that has the term Raiders in the Title, Description or Event Details.

Here you can see the results list based on the filter Events that mention "Raiders".

This shows you that you can set more than one filter. In this case, we filtered the list by the term 'Raiders' and Status 'Open'.
