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Awaiting Clarification Add the ability to change the author of a review


New Member
CAS Premium
My forum has been around for many years. I am converting advertising threads into CAS advertisements. Advertisers request that positive reviews (for some reason, only positive ones) be transferred to CAS.I copy the reviews and create them on behalf of the administrator, then go to MySQL and change the author of the message. This is not very convenient... Maybe it would be worth adding the ability to change the author of a review?

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CAS does not have reviews. Maybe you are talking about the CAS Feedback System?

CAS does not have any importers from other systems. Those are things that you need to develop on your own (altho, @mysiteguy might have something available to import feedback from another system).

Reassign Feedback is not something that is planned, however, if you (or anyone else for that matter) want to FUND the development of it, please contact me privately to discuss.