I've asked Siropu, the creator of Ads Manager to make his ads manager compatible w/ AMS. He said it would be possible but AMS would need to have a hook similar as Xenforo "message" template has in order to make keyword ads work;
Please read his reply: Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid]
I tried a hook myself, but could not get it to work.. then again, I'm not a coder
@Bob could you please consider this so I can cross link between my articles with keywords?
Thank you very much!
<xen:hook name="message_content" params="{xen:array 'message={$message}'}">
Please read his reply: Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid]
I tried a hook myself, but could not get it to work.. then again, I'm not a coder

@Bob could you please consider this so I can cross link between my articles with keywords?
Thank you very much!