showcase 2.5.4

  1. Bob

    Implemented Categories Block Options: Nav Type, Enable List, Hide Cats with 0 items

    As per title, the Categories Block has received some long over due attention (thanks to the Showcase Early Adopters like @alfa1 ) The first new feature is "Category Navigation Type". There are now 3 types of Category Navigation Types you can choose to use. Basic: lists all top level...
  2. Bob

    Implemented Upload image attachments to showcase user reviews

    This works pretty much the same as adding image attachments to XFRM Updates (also the same as Posts in a thread). This IS limited to IMAGES only (just like XFRM Updates). When uploading images to an individual user review, they will be displayed as thumbnails below the review (just like XFRM...
  3. BT012SS

    Fixed comments always closed when creating new items

    Good Morning, now for me it is so that the comments section is always closed when a user has created an item. i have to unlock it manually. what´s wrong for me?