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Your Content results


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Hey Bob, I'm working on a dev site and have created a few showcase items/showcase threads. I also created new users and reassigned the items to those users. However, when I click Your Content in the user menu, I still see the items and the threads as being mine - even though they have been assigned to the other users and show the other users' names. I've rebuilt post, thread, and user caches. Is there a step that I missed?
I've rebuilt post, thread, and user caches. Is there a step that I missed?
None of those have anything to do with Showcase Content Types.

Showcase has its Own Rebuilds (and entire AREA with only Showcase Rebuilds).



However, when I click Your Content in the user menu, I still see the items and the threads as being mine
That is because those are indexed in SEARCH and reassigning items does not rebuild the search index. You will need to run the rebuild search for Showcase Items.

You shouldn't HAVE to do anything except rebuild the search index in this case (at least for Showcase).

Discussion thread handling is done via core xenforo (so if something is not right with threads results, you need to use core tools like rebuilds and rebuild search index for threads
Awesome, thanks Bob. I rebuilt the Search index and the showcase items and that did it. Now I know. Appreciate it.