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Not Planned [XF1] Link discussion tab to forum


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For items that have an associated forum, I would like to have a Forum tab. Exactly the same how the discussion tab links to a discussion thread, I would like it to link to a forum node.

Many of my showcase items have an associated forum. And all of my forums have an associated showcase item.

This would give the item an entire forum for discussion of that item. So if I have a a showcase item 'Ford Mustang, and I also have a forum about Ford Mustang then its useful to show that forum in a showcase item tab.

The Author could simply select the forum node in a list or enter the nodeID.

Edit: updated to better explain that this is not a request to load an entire node into a tab, but a request to link the tab to a forum, in exactly the same manner a discussion tab links to a thread.
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I would love to see this.

And if only the author of the item could added new threads to that specific forum it would be even better.
Then the author could add a new thread for every update he does for an item and people could discuss it in that thread, as it is now everything gets added in one big thread and can get very huge and very hard to read.
You can set forum node permissions per user or usergroup already, so that part is already possible.