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Not Planned [XF1] Link discussion tab to forum


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For items that have an associated forum, I would like to have a Forum tab. Exactly the same how the discussion tab links to a discussion thread, I would like it to link to a forum node.

Many of my showcase items have an associated forum. And all of my forums have an associated showcase item.

This would give the item an entire forum for discussion of that item. So if I have a a showcase item 'Ford Mustang, and I also have a forum about Ford Mustang then its useful to show that forum in a showcase item tab.

The Author could simply select the forum node in a list or enter the nodeID.

Edit: updated to better explain that this is not a request to load an entire node into a tab, but a request to link the tab to a forum, in exactly the same manner a discussion tab links to a thread.
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Upvote 5
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Haven't seen this one implemented in ANY addon yet, so opening this up for more detailed discussion. Not exactly sure how this one would work.
For items that have an associated forum, I would like to have a Forum tab.Many of my showcase items have an associated forum. And all of my forums have an associated showcase item.

This tab would show a thread listing. i.e. show all threads in that forum.

This would give the item an entire forum for discussion of that item. So if I have a a showcase item 'Ford Mustang, and I also have a forum about Ford Mustang then its useful to show that forum in a showcase item tab.

The Author could simply select the forum node in a list or enter the nodeID.
That's exactly what I needed to :-)
Is it possible to create this?
@Bob B for now is it possible to make a tab that goes directly to a specific forum ID?
@Bob B for now is it possible to make a tab that goes directly to a specific forum ID?

Currently, no. LINK tabs have been requested, but didn't gain much interest at all. I can't remember if that suggestion is still active or got shot down, but feel free to bump it regardless. If a shot down suggestion gets enough interest, I have no problem implementing it.
This is a good idea. This will come in handy when my users want to support their resources under their specific forum.

Example: Jaxel has a SC item XP2 which requires support. He can link the forum for any FAQs and other questions.
How many pizza's and beer will it take to bribe you into implementing this lol?
This one is essential for my site and will put showcase at the heart of my big board. I predict that the same will happen for other boards once people realize how powerful this will be.
Why does it need to be a TAB? Why can't it be a BUTTON (just like the Discuss this Item), cept that it takes them to the forum list. Why do I need to recreate the entire forum list when it already exists and you just GO to it.
Because it needs to be a 2 way interaction to tie the showcase item to the forum. The showcase item becomes the main go-to place for all information about the topic. It combines all information, articles, media, etc.
With AMS and XFMG we can also link to the respective nodes, but it is much more preferable to show node content in a tab. This allows the user to simply click the tab and if they want to they can click on a different showcase tab if they decide to go to one of the other things that the showcase item offers.

The main weakness that community websites have always had is that addons are just that. Bolted on functionality. ShowCase offers the functionality to resolve this by combining content and showcasing it as one integrated whole. This is something that many will enjoy once the possibilities are shown. It solves a major problem that has been discussed for decades on admin websites.

If I have a forum node about Tesla and I can show all relevant information to Tesla in a showcase, with tabs for tesla articles, tesla threads, tesla media, tesla files/resources, then this is pure gold. The usefulness of such functionality is in fact the reason why google is ranking other sites (who have this) higher than mine. My users have been asking for this for decades. Showcase can offer it.
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Again, I am NOT going to add 1000's of lines of code and extra overhead to RECREATE the Forum List when you can simple GO to the Forum List. There is NO advantage to having a FORUM LIST in the showcase item. NONE. If you want something like that done, then you can hire someone to create an addon for you. Its NOT something I am going to do.

Moved to 'Not Considered".
Thanks for your answer. Its very useful to know that this will not be implemented in the core, so I can move on it.
I will hire a developer to create this.

Anyone who wants to join in on the project let me know.
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I am NOT going to add 1000's of lines of code and extra overhead to RECREATE the Forum List
A quick question on this. Wouldn't it be possible to do it the same way a thread is tied to a showcase? By inserting the showcase tabs into the default page.

I am not expecting you to change your opinion, but am interested to know.
Wouldn't it be possible to do it the same way a thread is tied to a showcase?
Why does it need to be a TAB? Why can't it be a BUTTON (just like the Discuss this Item), cept that it takes them to the forum list. Why do I need to recreate the entire forum list when it already exists and you just GO to it.
Because it needs to be a 2 way interaction to tie the showcase item to the forum.
I think I may have misunderstood what you meant by a button. I need it to be exactly the same as the discussion tab. i.e. link to the node and display item tabs at the top of the node.
^^I have updated the first post to better explain that this is not a request to load an entire node into a tab, but a request to link the tab to a forum, in exactly the same manner a discussion tab links to a thread.
^^I have updated the first post to better explain that this is not a request to load an entire node into a tab, but a request to link the tab to a forum, in exactly the same manner a discussion tab links to a thread.
OK :) I'll check it out the next time I have scheduled R&D time.