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Not Planned [XF1] Image comments


New Member
There is a need to add extra info (text) to each image uploaded, and furthermore give other members the option of commenting each image.

This would make the add-on perfect for our use :)
Upvote 1
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Ability to comment on each image would be very interesting and useful for my needs too, but I believe this is a big feature request :)
I think this is the same as having a image upload field, plus a text field.
Possibly with Frontend field editing
I think this is the same as having a image upload field, plus a text field.
Possibly with Frontend field editing

I believe what @Garamond , @dihuta and @Veer wants should be included in the core Xenforo system. This feature is needed across the entire forum not just in SC. If it is included in the XF by default it will come in SC too..

I have made this suggestion in XF forum.. please like the suggestion in XF forum if you want it too... Imagine the kind of interaction that can happen over all our uploaded images.

IF XenForo 2.x doesn't include this, I plan on extending it for SC and AMS. Not wasting time on it now with XF 2.x under development however.