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XenPorta Block


I have changed the featured items block on the index page to display them horizontally:
1 (Copy).jpg

The XenPorta block that comes with Showcase only gives you access to basically the title and category fields as the block no doubt is meant to be displayed in a side column of XenPorta. However, I was wanting to have the featured items displayed as I have on the Showcase index page the same on the XenPorta site home page.

Is there any way to tap into the other fields of the entries so I can?...thanks
Most of the "Item" data is exposed, so you can modify the template to display more data. I even expose ALL the images for an item in the next version so that you could have a block that displays multiple thumbs of one item. This of course is for people that want to (and know how to) customize (its not something built in and configurable *yet*) I say *yet* as I do have plans to create more XenPorta Blocks over time.

If I ever get time, I hope to publish some documentation to help people with customization.
Bob, is there any chance you could provide some code or anything that will enable me to have the first attachment and content of featured items to use in a xenPorta block like I have in my OP...I need to sell the option of featured entries and I can't until I can put them on display on my site home page...this is putting a hold on using Showcase for me
Update...I was using the xenPorta ShowcaseFeaturedItems block, thinking that the ShowcaseImages was just that, images only, and found the ShowcaseFeaturedItems didn't give you access to all the extra data in an entry

I installed the ShowcaseImages block and found it all in there so sorry about the mix up
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Bob, have found an issue (a clash) with the xenPorta ShowcaseImages block and [xfr] UserAlbums xenPorta block.

With both default templates used, as soon as I add the ShowcaseImages block, all the images in the UserAlbums block go to left align instead of being centered...I not that both blocks use the class boxModelFixer
feel free to modify the showcase one (it has its own CSS that won't effect anything but that block). The next version doesn't use that class anyway, so it won't matter what you do to it now. edit the template, change the class to boxModelFixer2, edit the CSS template and change the class to boxModelFixer2 and it won't clash ;)
Thanks Bob, all done...had to rename .boxModelFixer and .thumbnail to .boxModelFixer2 and .thumbnail2 and all good...I actually did it in the UserAlbums block as I hope to get rid of that some day soon with a better gallery...thanks again for your help
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Thanks Bob, all done...had to rename .boxModelFixer and .thumbnail to .boxModelFixer2 and .thumbnail2 and all good...I actually did it in the UserAlbums block as I hope to get rid of that some day soon with a better gallery...thanks again for your help

Cool Cool... so everything is working like you want, or are you still missing something?

btw, have you taken a look at Chris Deemings gallery? Its coming along really well so far. Looks to be a "winner" on the Gallery side of the house!
Yep, all ok now Bob, thanks...Chris's Gallery is on the soon to have list which is why I am not worried about the UserAlbums block but have to wait for Chris to do an importer
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