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Resolved Won’t allow me to upload attachments


New Member
AMS Premium
UBS Premium
I’m having an issue with uploading images from ipad. I tried jpeg and png and I get this error. Any ideas? Thanks

Actually Bob after creating a blog category I’m able to upload attachments. I didn’t realize that i needed to create categories first. I was just trying to create a blog without a category and I was getting that image. All works fine now. Thanks!
Did you try uploading that same image elsewhere like a Post or Conversation or Comment? I've seen quite a few cases lately where an image has an .png extension that isn't a valid .png file.
I just tried elsewhere on my forum and it’s not an issue. I even tried uploading the image as a jpeg and have the same problem. Strange..
I just tried elsewhere on my forum and it’s not an issue. I even tried uploading the image as a jpeg and have the same problem. Strange..
Can you upload it here so that I can test it on one of my development instances :)

UBS doesn't have its own attachments system, its the core xf attachments system, the same one Posts in threads uses, so this is quite baffling lol

Did you try OTHER UBS content like can you upload it to a Blog, a Blog Entry Page, a Comment, a Series etc etc etc?

And this IS for UBS 2.3.1 correct (as that is the current supported version).

Also, can you log into Area 51 and upload it to the UBS demo (go ahead and create a blog and blog entry).
Here you go. This is the jpeg version which i had to crop because the file was too large to upload on here. I tried in a brand new actually first blog entry where i tried uploading to. I was testing it out for the same time. I’m running 2.3.1.

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This is the jpeg version
I need the EXACT file, not an edited version of it. Hit me up in conversation, so that I can give you an email address to send the exact file.

I just went through the demo link and tried logging in but said unknown user.
Your account there is just fine and has not been access since 2023. We can figure out your A51 account in the conversation.
Actually Bob after creating a blog category I’m able to upload attachments. I didn’t realize that i needed to create categories first. I was just trying to create a blog without a category and I was getting that image. All works fine now. Thanks!
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I have another question. I created categories and have them setup. When a user goes to create a new blog it doesn’t give them the option to choose a category or upload images. So you create the blog with text only. On,y when you create a blog entry you could choose a category and upload images right? Those are the steps that I have to do.