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Implemented Widgets for [bd] Widget Framework


Staff member
As per paid request and further shared with the community, I've added in 2 Renderers which allow you to add widgets for Leaderboard and Pick Distribution.

The member that paid for this functionality wishes to remain anonymous, however, feel free to give thanks in this thread if you use these.

Both renderers have multiple uses which allow you to create different types of Widgets based on your needs.

Pick Distribution: By default, this widget will display the Pick Distribution for the viewing user's default pool (The pool they have as the default view) for the current week. If the user changes their default view, the widget will change. There is an optional setting that allows you to add in a Pool ID for the Widget. When you do this, anyone that has the "view" permission will be able to see the widget and that widget will display the Pick Distribution for the specified Pool for the current week. You can add more than one of these widgets to a page to have each one display a different Pool.

Leaderboard: Has the same functionality as above in regards to viewing user vs Pool ID. However, this one also has a "limit" option to limit the max number of results to display (as there are Pools with 1000s of players and you might only want a top 10 list). The display is Tabbed to show the OVERALL standings as well as a Tab for the Current Weeks Standings.
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