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As Designed Widget custom title doesn't work


New Member

I use the last version of xenforo (2.2.13) and pickem 2.2.4

In the standing widget, the custom title doesn't work. Is it normal ?
It COULD be by design (overriding the Core XF widget title so that it can't be made custom and forced to use a custom title based on Widget Definition settings.

Can you please provide a screenshot of the Widget Definition settings for that Widget as well as a screenshot of the Widget itself?
In the standing widget, the custom title doesn't work. Is it normal ?
It COULD be by design (overriding the Core XF widget title so that it can't be made custom and forced to use a custom title based on Widget Definition settings.
As I suspected, this is by design. The Widget Title is designed to display 1 of 3 different titles based on Pool Status and Current Week (as shown in the below PHP Code).


This isn't something that I will be changing, however, you can always edit the template xa_pkm_widget_standings and replace the {$title} variable with raw text or your own phrase. Obviously, this would only work if you have a single pool. If you have multiple pools, you will need to use conditionals to check for the pool id {$pool.pool_id} and display a custom title for each pool.
